Brooks' Photos

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Nice Aaron of the two I like the first shot the best I can also see what may be a potential shot in the hub cap reflection with bit of hard cropping

Some good work there my friend nicley exposed
You guys get all the fun !

Thats a cracking broadside shot of Quicksilver, nicely 'panned' and well caught.....wish I'd taken that shot !
Thank you guys. I took about 270 shots of Quick Silver in the air and maybe, just maybe 10 of them are usable. But I had a FRIGGIN BLAST! I was headed down to the airport with my dad and was sitting at a stoplight when I heard a supercharged Merlin fly over. I didn't see it, just heard it. The goose bumps popped up and I gave a Tim Taylor sigh. My dad said "What was that?", and I said "THAT was a Rolls Royce Merlin with a supercharger strapped to it.", he said" How do you know that?", and I said "Cause once you've heard one you NEVER forget what the sound like. I could hardly contain myself. That's probably why my shots didn't turn out so well.
I'm doing something WRONG!! Every time I try to move the photo out of Photo Shop into my pictures it moves it but when I try to upload the photo the the thread it tries to move the whole Photo Shop program. I've been at it for three and a half hours now. Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance.
I don't know what you're doing wrong when it comes to saving your photo in PS, but here's my crop-suggestion:

When it comes to pan shots, I learned a thing on a media course once upon a long time ago:
Always keep a little more air in front of the vehicle than at the rear.
It makes sense for the brain when it comes to movement in a still photo or a moving image.

If you just want to show the P-51 as it is - a really nice picture showing the plane as it is - crop it so that it is centered.
Like this rough version:

If you want to keep a bit of impression of the forward movement of the plane, leave a little more space from front end of plane to edge of picture.
Like this rough version:

I've rotated the image a little (0.85 degrees) so that the runway that forms a line in the photo, gets levelled out.
Then I did Auto Levels and finished off with Unsharp Mask - I usually use this configuration for the Unsharp Mask.
This way the UM don't get too harsh - i.e. it doesn't show that you've used it, as some PS users mistakenly tend to use a config of the UM that's too harsh in my opinion:

Amount: 60 %
Radius: 2 pixels
Threshold: 10 levels.

I'd prefer to crop it like this, but it's also a matter of personal preferences, and it also depends on what you're going to use the photo for:

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I've got it cropped similar to your last rendition there BB. I just can't get it moved out of Photoshop so that I can post it. It's maddening. I've been at it for two days now and I have nothing to show. Hopefully I'll get it figured out soon.
The way you repay it is by helping someone else down the road. There were many who helped me in my photography as I learned and grew. Imparting knowledge on people asking for help is the way it gets repaid. It passes on the knowledge.
Here are a couple I've been playing around with. I'm working on the cropped one some more. When I get the aged effect like I want I'll post one. Let me know what you think.

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The first one is a nice bank angle. If I can make a suggestion though, try and stay with a uniform size when you resize. For portrait orientation, 480x640 is best for screen viewing. For landscape orientation about 750 pixels wide is a good size. It's best to try and not go over 1024 wide because some folks still have smaller screens.

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