Brooks' Photos

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Brooks, It was a great Air Show, FORGET the weather. Thanks for being there, and the "NOSE JOB" you did on the T-34 was outstanding. Love the T-34 take off picture, that is where the smile came from! We will do it again only with SUN. Blue Side Up......Terry
Again Terry, I owe you all a big thank you. Thank Bryan for letting me go up and I do want to come down and help you guys out with the planes this winter so all you have to do is yell and I'll drive down to Lenore.
Well...I'm jealous, is here's the platitudes where I say "cool!" and "way to go!"

Seriously, great shots and it looks like the weather didn't put a damper on the fun!

I'm still jealous, though...
I had a lot of fun both days even though the weather did not cooperate, oh and if I were you I'd be jealous to.
Nice shots, Aaron!
I like the pilot's smile above all
Thank you Shinpachi. The guy with the big grin is Terry Schilson. He's the one who took me up flying. Bryan Carlton is in the red and white T-28C and he owns the three aircraft. The T A L L lanky guy is Kieth Lineback, he flies the birdog.
Great shots Aaron. I had some family obligations all day Saturday but I am glad you posted these excellent shots so i can see what I missed.
Now are there any more of these within a 100 mile radius, because I don't want to miss another one.
Well, you've been able to "go up" and get in some aerial photographs...a great combination by any definition. Just ask Eric!

Any opportunity you get to put in some "ground duty" or flight time, jump on it!

I've flown countless times over the years (not so much these days) and been in the company of some great pilots (as mentors and as friends) and it's something you never forget.

So the jealousy is well earned, my friend!
Outstanding, Aaron. Keep that up and you will likely get more time in the air. Now what you need to do is get some of those guys to do some formation stuff and get some air-to-air shots. 8) I know it all depends on the pilot's ratings and comfort level, so above all else, be safe.

Terry, are you a member of the T-34 Association?

Thank you Dave, these three gentlemen are great. I didn't do this to fly but I won't turn the offer down to fly either. I really enjoy hanging around with these guys and helping out in whatever way I can.

Rite now I'm just having a blast Eric. I never thought something like this would happen, especially to me. We seemed to have hit it off pretty well, I did tell them that if they needed any help over the winter to call and I'd come down on a weekend a lend a hand. They seemed to like the idea. I'm not going to push, just take what they give and try to return it ten fold if at all possible, which reminds me, I need to send Terry two photos.
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Stunning shots mate...told you I could hang my lens up !.

I do like these old building shots that you're turning out (I have this mental image of a little Elmer Fudd type character stalking the hedge-rows on tip-toe with a huge zoom lens..saying...,"Be vewy vewy quite, I'm huntin' sheds !)

Keep 'em coming !

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