And here it is!
Just a quick couple of shots in between stages.
PICTURE 1 shows the Gustav after the first coat of Klear (Future) has been sprayed on, and the area of the Reichs Defence band masked and painted.
I always like this stage, as the gloss varnish evens out the paint, making it 'come alive'.
PICTURE 2 is a close up of the first coat of red for the band. Notice how the mottle is showing through. With the second coat, which will be slightly thinner, I hope to retain just a hint of the 'show through', in order to simulate the real thing. These bands were applied in the field, over the 'factory finish' camouflage, and there is evidence in the pics and profile that Wayne provided, that the mottle, and what I take to be a III Gruppe bar, is faintly visible under the red paint. Once the second coat is thoroughly dry, and the masking tape removed, the model will be given a further coat of Klear, just to even out the finish, before the decals are applied. Incidentally, the small hole near the tail, on the top of the spine, is where the antenna cable from the main cable will attach.; this is simply a depression made with the tip of a scalpel blade.
PICTURE 3 shows the first coat of white undercoat on the spinner, still wet!Any air bubbles, dust or other blemishes will be lightly sanded off, before a gloss coat is applied. The spinner will then be masked so that the black 'Burbleschnauz' spirral can be hand painted. I don't fancy tackling the decal, not with my hands! When finished, it will get a coat of clear semi matt.
PICTURE 4 is a rather poor shot of one of the exhaust stacks. These have been given a coat of Xtracolour 'Oily Steel'. The first pipe will be left this colour, with just a hint of 'blueing' at the outlet, whilst the others will be given a burnt and worn look.
PICTURE 5. The canopy frame was painted, free hand, in a dark grey enamel primer, in order to allow me to see where the mould lines are! The curved top frame on the openeing section is difficult to see due to the extreme clarity of the part, enhanced by being dipped in Klear. These will then be masked, and the frames painted in the relevant camouflage colours, with acrylic paint, brushed on. The tabs on the bottom of the windscreen will be removed, as the fit will be excellent without them, and they would intrude into the cockpit otherwise. Once the armour head panel has been fitted, support stays will be added from strip plastic, and a locking latch and 'check' wire added to the canopy, again, scratch-built, from plastic strip and stretched sprue.
The next stage will involve the decals, and I just hope that I can obtain the Eagle Cals sheet for the number '13', or that Muller can help. If not, then I'll have to hand paint the numbers! I could always do the Stab aircraft, as I have some spare 'Winkels', but I'd prefer 'Yellow 13'.
Hopefully, I'll get the harness and other small details made and photographed in the next couple of days, and post them for your comments.
Considering this is a very cheap kit, unlike the type of kits we're used to, it's progressing very well, and is starting to 'look the part'.