With the 109 gloss coat drying, I did a little work on my CF-5.
On of the challenges I had was that, with the wider fuselage of the F-5E from which I borrowed the wings, I had to figure out a way to contour them to fit the more slender F-5A profile while maintaining the correct wingspan. I ended up Photoshoping a plan view drawing and converting it to 1/48 scale to get the correct wing profile. When cut out, I placed the the scale wing diagram onto the wing to be cut and marked the cut line Pics 1 and 2.
The wings in both kits I used were molded with a fuselage section which allowed for a stronger assembly. Having cut the wings off, I needed a way to make a strong wing-to-fuselage joint. To accomplish this, I cut a length of steel rod and inserted it into a space in the model fuselage with copious amounbts of CA glue and pinched it in with a thinned piece of square plastic rod. The rod goes through to the other side and corresponding holes were drill in both wings to receive the rod (Pic 3 shows rod in fuselage (below) and corresponding wing (above)). A similar detail will be made behind the wheel well and then the wings will be glued on after the rest of the fuselage scribing and sanding is complete.
Thanks to everyone who remains interested in this build. I do intend to keep moving on it between other projects.