**** DONE : 1/48 F-100D Super Sabre – 511th FBG, 405th FBW.

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Why,............thanks Karl. How's the job going and are you managing with the commuting...............

:hotsun: :hotsun:

not bad mate sent you a pm
Thanks Wayne. Not without the odd crisp word or two though. Hope to sort the seat out tomorrow and then we can stick it all together.
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All wrapped up ready for a spray. I'm planning to do it with Humbrol 72001 initially with hopefully sections over sprayed with 72002 for the polished effect. I have been experimenting with metallic shading effects today and the idea is to use the polished metallic (002) mixed with other metallic's from Model Master to slightly change the colours of individual panels.

Needless to say, if anybody has and tips or sound advice, please speak up as I'm kind of flying blind here a bit like the "Colour Pics For a Model I'm Building" thread.....................:) :)


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Thank's mate. Yes it does kind of looks painted Karl, but it's one of those silver-grey plastics and also difficult to determent if you have the joins aligned. If you file or scrape them down the colour darkens and looks like shading.
Looking good Vic. You're on the right lines with the paint mixes. That's the sort of thing I normally do, and also, I add a spot of white, and sometimes grey, to vary the tones even more. The use of gloss white/grey gives a different effect to using matt white/ grey, and some really subtle effects can be created. Also, if some areas are given a clear coat, and others left as painted, the effects are even more varied.
If you can get some, try using SNJ powder, in the Silver variety, to polish the model before painting. See the 'Bare Metal Made Easy' guide I produced some time back, I think it's on Page 6 of the painting questions thingy.

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