Charles update

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1st Lieutenant
Jan 1, 2012
north carolina
Our good friend Charles suffered a minor stroke while dining out a few days ago. He was released from I.C.U. at around 5pm today. He is in a standard room now receiving antibiotics via an I.V. drip to combat a case of pneumonia in one lung.
He asked that I let those in the modelers section know what happened.
Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, I know I speak for all of us when I wish him a speedy recovery and no more problems in the future.
Paul, thanks for taking the time to pass on this news. Please convey my best wishes to Charles, and let him know I'm praying for a speedy recovery.
Yep, with all above. Last he communicated to me they Thought he had a little one, and found a dot on the brain. Now pneumonia to boot, dam.

Wishes from me as well Paul, and thanks for the message mate.
Thanks to all you Lads for your kind thoughts and warm wishes. To give you more than Paul did, Edna Mae brought me to the ER on Thursday a bit after noon. When we came out of Arby's, I was very confused and disoriented. Our doc is but 5 minutes away, so she drove me there. My BP was 187/95 !! He told her to take me to the ER. A CT-Scan showed pneumonia in both lungs. An MRI showed a small dot on my brain. All was well till Sunday afternoon...... I had a breathing problem, I thought I was drowning ! ICU is one floor down, and that's where I went. At 2230 I was in the OR, having my right lung tapped and drained. Just got out of ICU today.

Diagnosis is acute bronchitis, pneumonia and they think I had a mini-stroke.

Now, you know as much as I do......



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