Contest to create new forum graphics!

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Of course, but why not to implement some good ones through the future times? There could be ie. "Tiger Scheme", "Tiger Scheme II" etc... and later also some "Pisis Schemes" - just like Filux, Artakus, etc...
can you keep the filux 2 one open a bit longer, i realise i'm the only one that uses it and the only one to have submitted any but if you could hold it for a month 'til the exams are over..........
Well I'm starting to think the contest was not needed - it can be upgraded any time imho... But on the other hand, the contest at least motivated someone...
All we need at the moment is something to put up, so we should end it on Friday as Horse said and put up the best ones...then at later dates we can make some more and if theyre better we can always change them...
Thanks guys, glad you it! Sorry for not posting for a few days, but I have been trying the Lokal Brau in Austria!
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