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Last week one exploded through my neighbor's barn door and killed four goats and nine chickens, then couldn't get back out through the inward-bent broken boards. He died of lead poisoning, administered by the game warden.Exploding Bears?! I thought their claws and brute strength was bad enough, and now they explode??!!
Well it's official. The EU is lifting restrictions on international travel...
Except the United States.
Will be evaluated every two weeks, but looks like I will not see my family this year, and they will not see their grandkids.
So terribly sad and pathetic what is going on here...
Well it's official. The EU is lifting restrictions on international travel...
Except the United States.
Will be evaluated every two weeks, but looks like I will not see my family this year, and they will not see their grandkids.
So terribly sad and pathetic what is going on here...
I have the same problem in reverse. Our 2 oldest kids are Stateside attending university. We haven't seen them since Christmas and, as things stand, it's unlikely that we'll see them before next Christmas. Nor can we get them over to Europe to see their Grandmother.
And you got lumped in with Russia and Brazil. Fine company. And yet....Hundreds of thousands of U.S. visitors are still crossing border into Canada each week | National Post
I was in Derby Line the other day, and saw several cars go through the US border station northbound, then get turned around at the Canadian station and sent back. Make of it what you will, I didn't stick around to ask questions. The ICE folks didn't appear to be in a friendly mood.I saw something that said US citizens can't fly to Canada, but they can drive!
De huidige wereldwijde maatregelen, genomen ter bestrijding van SARS-CoV-2 schenden in hoge mate
deze visie op gezondheid en de rechten van de mens. VWS gaat regelrecht in tegen de, in haar eigen nota vastgelegde, visie op gezondheidsbeleid en het potentieel ervan.
De maatregelen betreffen onder meer verplichte sociale distantie, (semi-)verplichte isolatie,
hygiënemaatregelen en verplichte persoonlijke beschermingsmaatregelen.6,7
Ten tijde van de piek en onzekerheid van de pandemie was dit wellicht nog verdedigbaar, maar voor het
voortzetten van noodmaatregelen is onvoldoende wetenschappelijke basis, sterker nog er is wellicht meer bewijs tégen het gezondheid bevorderende effect van de huidige maatregelen dan er voor.6, 7
Schade op het gebied van het psychosociale domein8,9,10, economische schade11 en schade aan de non-covid gezondheidszorg en totale zorgkosten, is ongeëvenaard en vele malen groter dan de winst van de gewonnen levensjaren van coronapatienten.12 De kans dat kwetsbare groepen dubbel geraakt gaan worden is groot.13,14 De maatregelen zouden ergens tussen de 13.000 en 21.000 gezonde levensjaren bij coronapatiënten hebben opgeleverd, naast 10.000 tot 15.000 levensjaren die zij hebben gekost. Hoeveel gezonde levensjaren verloren zijn gegaan is nog moeilijk te schatten maar zouden het aantal gewonnen levensjaren ruim overstijgen.15,16
Current global measures taken to combat SARS-CoV-2 are highly violating
this view of health and human rights. VWS directly contradicts the vision on health policy and its potential, as set out in its own memorandum.
The measures include compulsory social distance, (semi-) compulsory isolation,
hygiene measures and mandatory personal protection measures 6.7
At the time of the peak and uncertainty of the pandemic, this may have been defensible, but before it
continuation of emergency measures is insufficient scientific basis, in fact there is perhaps more evidence against the health promoting effect of the current measures than before.6, 7
Damage in the field of the psychosocial domain8,9,10, economic damage11 and damage to non-covid healthcare and total healthcare costs, is unparalleled and many times greater than the profit of the life years of corona patients gained.12 The chance that vulnerable groups double The measures would have resulted in anywhere between 13,000 and 21,000 healthy life years in corona patients, in addition to 10,000 to 15,000 life years that they cost. It is still difficult to estimate how many healthy years of life have been lost, but would far exceed the number of years of life gained.15,16[
No accounting for stupid !Interesting....and utterly stupid if true...People in Alabama are throwing COVID-19 parties with a payout when one gets infected: official
Their parents must have been Brother and Sister.Interesting....and utterly stupid if true...People in Alabama are throwing COVID-19 parties with a payout when one gets infected: official
Well it is Alabama...Their parents must have Brother and Sister.
And now, a suspected case of bubonic plague has been announced, in China !