CORSAIR F4U-4; 1/48, Revell

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Very kind comments Andy and Kirby; interesting mix of Tamiyas for the color Blue Sea, thank you.

With liquid silicone I attached the lead parts to have the aircraft leveled on its future base. It's already in place.

Using my newly designed polishing support for transparent cockpits , it was the turn for the windshield.

While Future dries, I started to work with the small panels that go on the board ... (using styrene sheets). The reference image is in post # 271

I just had to split the piece in half to have the two little pieces

... and were mounted in place with a wiring to make the space more detailed. (I am not sure if they will even be able to see once they are "visible" ... ... like so many details inside the cabin, but you and I are witness that there were a hard work in it ... jejeje )

Give me a chance and I'll come back with more photos that I have ready.

Saludos y feliz Jueves
In the last photo of my previous post, you can also see the work in repairing the gap, recommended by Sir Terry

The masking of the windshield and proof that the result was acceptable.

Colors were applied ...

Before closing the cabin with the windshield, I gave a good blow-up of air with the airbrush, to remove all residue of dust and sanding, and with MKK I sealed it.

Let it dry thoroughly, and then check that nothing is missing and ... [-o<... it seems that I can finally apply Primer's coat and see what results will show us.

So far the advance, thanks for accompanying me in the process

Luis Carlos
Hello colleagues.

I take the opportunity to comment that yesterday at 11:48 pm we had the strongest earthquake of the last 100 years in México.

Possibly some of you may have heard of the earthquake we had on September 19, 1985; being the deadliest in history and Mexico City suffered the fall of several buildings and memorable places in various parts of the metropolitan area.
At that time was 8.1 on the Richter scale and lasted just over a minute.

Yesterday night was officially registered by the National Seismic System in 8.4 and no building was reported falling. The quake was felt in 15 states of the Republic, Guatemala and El Salvador.

The big difference (besides the advance in structural engineering in the construction processes) is that 32 years ago the telluric movement was trepiratory and yesterday oscillatory.
Definitely another would be the story, if have repeated like the '85 !!
The official death data are always lower than the real ones, but here in Mexico City the data of yesterday is 8 deaths and in '85, more than 15,000 (it is said that the real figure should be triple !!)

In addition to the little scare, all acquaintances and relatives are well and their goods as well.

A comment a little out of place, but I felt the need to share it with all you.

Life really is so short and no one has it guaranteed; so, hoping that all of you will be well with your loved ones, I send you a warm greeting.

Tomorrow I return to the model.

Buenas noches y hasta mañana

Luis Carlos
Wow, I'm glad you and your family are all safe my friend. That is some earthquake, my news is saying the death toll is up to 58, let's hope it doesn't go much higher and there are no aftershocks.

And your model is looking great Luis

The only comment I have is the fuel filler port you've scratched forward of the windshield seems to be offset to the starboard side whereas it should be on the centre line and flush with the fuselage, so maybe better to scribe it?

Thank you very much for your encouraging words Kirby, Andy, Wojtek, Brian, Terry and George, thank you, my friends.
Today in the newspaper, the government confirmed 61 deaths, the great majority in the state of Oaxaca, others in Chiapas and Tabasco, the entities most affected by the earthquake. There were no cases reported in Mexico City, and here we only live 23 million people !!
It will always be a pity for all the people affected. And the help is already working.
Nothing more I comment again that it is "nothing" compared to the disastrous events and number of losses of 1985.
I had to live it and yes, it was very hard!

Let's change the subject and talk about pleasant things.

Kirby is absolutely right about the fuel filler port, it was an absolute mistake of appreciation in the photo I was using to make it . And yes, it will definitely be better to scribe it, possibly the red plug, I do it with a very thin piece of styrene. It does not interrupt me at all with the advanced until now and I share the photos:

First everything was left with his coat of Primer ...

I did not take a photo of the drop tanks, but in this one can be seen inside the plastic cup

The next day I could only apply the white color where those stripes will go and the "letters, insignia of the squadron" (I do not think it is the correct name I used) ... those that go in the vertical stabilizer of the tail and in the wings ...

I just realized in this last photo that I forgot to paint the doors of the landing gear in white , where also the number of plane and "those letters" - 11 LF -
I liked how simple it can be to create the number 11 and the letters LF with tamiya tape on the white and paint on the blue or green (as appropriate)

Once again I request your support with your recommendations and suggestions ; What do you consider to be simpler, to paint the green over the white and after marking the width of the white stripes with the blue of the airplane, or to the reverse, first demarcate the total width of the strip with the blue of the plane and then center the green so that they are well defined and to the correct width those lines.

This is my doubt, what is your opinion?

I have to also take care of the detail that the circles of the stars on the sides of the Corsair, in the tone of the aircraft, so I must do a good job of masking (the star with its stripes in white and red will be decals)

Saludos y excelente fin de semana para todos!

xico sigue en pie !!

I would suggest .. the first should be the white. Then masking of the entire strips, I mean the green+2x thin white with one wide strip of masking tape if possible of course.. Secondly applying of the Sea Blue. Thirdly, masking the thin white strips with some of the Sea Blue for protection and applying the Green.
Wow! How good that I asked for help !, the truth would never have occurred to me; ... I think it's a very simple sequence that allows you to do it easily.
Dziękuję bardzo Wojtkow za szybką i dokładną odpowiedź.

...gracias profesor!

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