CORSAIR F4U-4; 1/48, Revell

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After a few days with much work leaving the city; The process has been little.

The best tool I could use because of the materials, was one of my structured tooth tungsten carbide cutters, to thin the sides.


Then with several sandpapers, I leaved the surface as smooth as possible ...


... I made one more dry fit, with the internal parts, to see the interior space in its entirety and what may appear of the improvements I´ll make in the detail of these interiors ...


Remember my pilot?

piloto Corsair2.jpg

My wife found a resemblance to my youngest son, and I must confess that I was moved by the similarity

piloto Corsair1.jpg

... and my pilot will be called Diego (as my son)

After showing my emotive-paternal side, I will get to work on the detailed of these interiors the wheel / hook bay (now I have a time) ...

Hasta pronto :thumbup:
Gracias caballeros por sus comentarios :grouphuuug:

The wheel / hook bay:

To the rear tire I made these modifications according to real images and diagrams. 1) I did a "small dig" to look at that space that is generated between the rim and its support. 2) With wire reinforced the molding in the contour of the piece. 3) I made proportional holes with different drills in the flat structures. 4) with a No.11 blade and fine sandpaper, I cleaned the whole piece as much as possible.


With strips of styrene, steel wire and copper, ... the ribs.


The gates, details of styrene, wire and branches stretched with heat and some lines with rivets.


A side with its floodgates.


The whole set. Not noticeable, but every rib has a strip of rivets, which I hope will be noticed later ...


... how to connect the gates to the side of the fuselage? ... with my pulse, trying to do it by hand, was more than impossible, besides that I lacked an arm that applied the ETC Tamiya, while holding the two pieces with Both hands ... so I helped myself with "artificial hands" ... :robot:


... and I went through the joint, a brushstroke of glue ... and once I did the same with the other piece ...


... so the scene shines from a distance ...


... and so the night passed; Today I hope to do the same with the left side, and then have everything ready to apply the primer and apply in interior color to all parts and cockpit.

I hope you like it and your comments are well received.

Hasta pronto y feliz fin de semana para todos :thumbup:
Thanks guys, ... I'm about to finish the engine and the color to the rear tire / hook ... starting the week with new heights.
Soon the photos with the advances.

Buena semana para todos. :thumbup:
I had my doubts about reassembling the support structure for the left side; But it was easier.
Another doubt was the strength with which the gates were attached to the fuselage. But the ETC's function of melting the plastic, did a very satisfying job.
The important thing is to take due care not to hit or force the gates, to take care of their integrity! =;
I applied a primer coat, the green zinc chromate of MA Vallejo; The same I clarified with white and yellow to make "lights" in the ribs, details and sidewalls of the cabin and finally, a wash with oils.

... the result...


The part of the rear wing that is inside the wheel / hook bay, I made certain details and effects with the color and wash.


The motor...

A bit rustic and uncomfortable to work with, but well detailed and put me to test !! :fadein:


I had already given him the primer layer, when I decided to make improvements with bits of circuits of "dead cell phones" and pieces of styrene, ... the actual engine has many more details, but given the size and complex of the space, I just did More like the real ...


The process many already know it, I applied Duraluminium of Alclad II, details in black; Mixture of gold and aluminum from Humbrol for oil ducts; The cowling walls with GZC (71094) with a bit of Dark Sea Gray (71048) from Vallejo MA, to soil the color inside. The blue used is Blue Mediterranean (# 48 of Humbrol) and all with a wash of oils.

I think it was acceptable ... :whiteblindfold:


The front panel of instruments ...

The before:


... and the after ...


I hope you like it :mrgreen:

...Hasta pronto :thumbup:
Gracias Terry y Kirby :thumbleft::thumbright:

I am in the middle of the painting of the cockpit, I am also painting the hook and the rear tire structure... but tomorrow I will continue...
(Also reviewing how and what type of stand I will use to display in flight the Corsair ...) :-k

Saludos amigos :thumbup:

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