Cyber Hobby Bf 109 E-4 Gallands W. Nr. 5819

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Jul 19, 2011
Hello ww2 Guys,

I guess that this build will not be one of the best here as I'am quite new to scale modeling, but I hope I'll find (already met a few) some ppl who can help me with their experience and knowledge about this subject. As I'am interested in the Battle of Britain topic I decided to build one of the most famouse birds that were part of it. I already did quite decent research about it and also about the aftermarket products for this kit and here is what I decided to use with a little advice from the man in the model shop:

Today I started with the engine and this is what I was able to achiev so far:

And right here at the start I got one question. From pictures of the engine I saw during my research I know that there was a numbering used. Anybody of you guys has the information, or a pic of this birds engine numbering please?
That's it for now and for few next days I guess, as I'am still waiting for wires I'll use add more detail.

Thanks for watching so far a see you soon

.....and i have no idea of the engine number, sorry.

Well after some searching that is not strictly true...

I have a partial number not sure if there is a 4th digit at the start....but...

Image source : kagero Monograph no.37 messerschmitt bf109e Part 1.



?357 Could even be 557 but I think the first digit is a 3


  • Galland 5819 Engine detail.jpg
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Hello Wayne, Njaco, Gerry,

Thanks for the pictures! I have to say you guys rock
As for the collection Njaco I guess this one also confirms Waynes theory about the victory marks coloring before the repainting and is exat the rudder I'll be doing actualy:

But wait, ther's no W.Nr. on it?

As for the numbering Wayne, I had a look at the font used for the numbering and I guess it is N 557 what we see on your picture.
This is how a 5 might look like:

And this way the 3 might:

As for the 4 digit (the 1st one actualy) I thing the might be one, but it would have a bit more spacing as the next 3 digits than?
EDIT: This picture shows how the spacing might look like for the numbering:

What do you guys think?

Thanks a lot so far,

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ok if that is the standard font of the engine stencilling and 3's are the rounded type, I was thinking the square top style-that is the type with the top portion of a 7 and round base, then 557 it is then!

...and if you look closely you CAN pick the RED BLACK victory bars in the image above.
Interesting choice without a doubt, and an ambitious project (as relative newcomer to the scale modelling business, no pun intende in any way) with all the extra aftermarket goodies that go with it. My personal idea would be to save all the (rather expensive) aftermarket goodies for a kit somewhere down the line (after a few more kits under the belt to get the hang of it so to speak) The CyberHobby kit is generally very accurate from what I've been able to gather on it and (even if it had been inaccurate in parts) it offers plenty of detail out-of-box to practise all the differect techniques to get great results.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to discourage you in anyway and hope this will turn into a great build, but having returned to modelling some two years ago I too went into full blown aftermarket, whole meat n potatoes mode from kit nr. uno as well, and it was a complete disaster for me, not to mention that it wasn't that much fun at all. It wasn't until I started doing some more simple kits (say some simple 1/72 kits or say a Tamiya 1/48 scale shake-n-bake kits) that I got the hang of it and it started to actually like it.
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Hello Wayne
...and if you look closely you CAN pick the RED BLACK victory bars in the image above.
I was more like wondering, if I should include the W. Nr. Stenciling, as it is not visible on the picture. But now as I had a look it seams, that the W. Nr. stenciling was only used on one side of the rudder (the other side as shown in the picture). The victory bars topic was already confirmed and closed for me thanks to you.
Hm, but the 1st digit/digits of engine numbering are still a question for me :S
Hello JJP,

Well that's typically me... But let's see how I can handle it all


W.Nr 5819 was on the port side only.
Intriguing reference on the engine No, Wayne, and if any consensus is arrived at, I would be tempted to add it to my 109E. After careful examination, I think it is more likely 557 , and if there is a numeral part-hidden by the lead, could that possibly be a 7? There does, however, appear to be a wider gap between it and the other three numerals.
I thought you guys were joking about getting the correct engine code but I see I was wrong. You guys got a sickness.

Now since you are going to the extent of getting the exact engine code will you be adding a certain option to the cockpit that only Galland's had in his 109's. I just learned about this today while reading the book "The Few"

I look forward to seeing more of this build.
There does, however, appear to be a wider gap between it and the other three numerals.

That's what I tried to say. In the last picture in my post about the font used we can see, that the engine number has two digits, than a bigger gap and than again 3 digits. So maybe we got 1 or 2 digits hidden behind the wiring.
will you be adding a certain option to the cockpit that only Galland's had in his 109's. I just learned about this today while reading the book "The Few"
Now you scared me Dirkpitt.. You have more information about this "certain option" please?
Hehe, a good one Dirkpitt Yes I red about it somewhere already, but I have no idea how it might look like. Is there a pic in your book by any chance please?
Here what I was doing today:

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