Dirk's Airfix F-86F "The Huff" flown by Lt. Jim Thompson, of the 51st FIW

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Thanks for the kind words guys.

Coming along nicely question where did you get those clamps. And would cloths pens work as well or would they mark up the plastic too much?.

You can get these clamps at almost any hobby shop but I got most of mine were from a place called Harbor Freight. Exact same stuff for a lot less. Of course you can use cloths pins but they don't work so well on thicker pieces like bomber wings and will never work on a fuselage. I use both
It's been about a week since I last posted on this build but it hasn't been for the lack of effort. First off I was unhappy with this section of the fuselage and never having worked with these paints before I was unsure how easy it would be to repair.

As it turns out its even easier then wth regular paint.

Next it was time to mask for the highlighted panels

Here we go, final approach

Pylons and wing tanks in place

The wheels I was so dreading for some unknown reason

Some more panel work. I wanted the panels around the engine exhaust to be somewhat different from the rest of the aircraft.


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