**** DONE: 1/32 Grumman Wildcat F4F-3 Early – Carrier Aircraft GB (1 Viewer)

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Ah man,
I just noticed back in post #75 you missed the seam in the wheels......
I am growing to like these little F4F's. Can't wait to get stuck into mine........ smaller scale of course.
Thanks for pointing that one out but I had noticed and will rectify later.
Yellow is one of the hardest colours to spray but I think I've cracked it. Andy thanks for the info will try and find it,the metallic finish is going to be aluminium lacquer not NMF so I hope will be easier to do.

I had an idea it was an oversight on the wheels.
I found when painting yellow, like on my workstands for Merlin's Magic it was over white primer. Many light coats.
When i did my Captured GB J2M3 Jack I used Tamiya TS-30 Silver Leaf and it worked a treat....

Can't wait to see her painted......
I might need some advice on this one I'm not sure which route to go as regards to spraying the tail section in black. Would it be best to spray black before I put the Aluminium down, as metallics tend to rub off easily which would mean that I could mask the black, or visa versa.
Thanks for that Wayne I was thinking along those lines but it's nice to get other peoples opinions as i don't have much experience with metallics.
Echo Wayne there, After several tries doing it the other way 'round, I finally learned to do all the colors first then the silver. Never had a problem since. Of course, seal that metalic paint! It sucks to have it rub off.
Love the way you have done the pre=shading on the yellow, it's come through very nicely. I'm with the others on metal finish, do it last as even when given a sealing coat it's still venerable to touch and scrape marks.
Great advice guys. Unfortunately for the 'Wildcat' there will be no progress this W/E my Grandson takes priority (and so he should). So hopefully there will be some more progress in the week as I don't want to rush these last stages.

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