**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Wojtek, there are lots of them but they've already been used 250 times already, so, #251: absolutely superb Wayne, true artistry.
On the "kill" markings, bombers and fighters I see but the red dots? what do they signify?

Not dots Mike, 2 Red Arrows through each signifies a 'kill' a single arrow would denote damaged, shared or probable....the other red dots are hatch or lever release points.

Managed to do some lower surface panel line work, this time using Black pastel rubbed into the detail and then the excess wiped away.

Thanks for your comments Guys...


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Hey Wayne,
been following this build, absolutely mind blowing detail, looks fantastic!
I know somewhere you mentioned the type and brand of Metallic Silver Pencil you used for the chipping effect but I cant find the actual post, could you please repost or let me know what brand it was and where I might find one, might try and get my hands on one!!

Here ya go...Good art Shops should have it.

Thanks again guys.


  • Silver pencil_2413.jpg
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You will find that there are two types of PRISMACOLOR pencils, the PREMIUM type and the VERITHIN. I can't speak for Wayne but I have found that the Verithin type have a softer "lead", which marks easier, and they are a bit cheaper, about $10USD for 12 pencils (same color). I use the Silver Metalic, White, Black, and Grey. Art-Stores or Ebay
Wayne, thanks for the info, in your first set of pics I could only see what appeared to be red dots. Very curious that the Japanese would use arrows in addition to the silhouettes

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