**** DONE: 1/33 Vickers Vimy - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Ahoy Fellas

Update build report for the day I will post another tommorow. I have completed the top center wing unit its rigging is completed thoise struts amazed me by how many times I passed a needle through them without damaging them... Instead of moving to the undercarriage assembly as planned I will move to the outer wing panels and save the propellers and undercarriage until last along with other sundries.. I should have this build concluded by next week sometime and start another build by this Feburary I surmise that we will haqve a new group build count me in, Thanmks fellas for all of your replies.



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Thanks guys for your replies update build report for today is the construction and the installation of the bottom wing outer panels.. the bottom wing panel;s are constructed like the rest of the build spars and ribs, once the spars and ribs are added to the bottom wings they were set a side to dry after they have dried I installed the wings and the alerons I will let these units dry over night so the glue will cure before i add the top wing outer panels..The vimy is a big kit so i had to stand back and take the shots to get a better view of the build tomorrow i will add the top wing panels and the interplane struts as i construct the intire wings. here are the pix for the night.



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Quick question, what kind of thread are you using for the rigging?

Ahoy Paul
I used Polyester type ran through a cake of bees wax I am not to keen on cotton typew threads they fuzz up in no time even bees wax wont keep it from fuzzing up polyester is the best to my knowledge I used it for years on in. There you go Paul.

Ahoy Fellows
Here is a quick update for now I will post another this evening, so far on the group build the old Vimy is going on the down hill slide of being finished then I will start another.. so far i have ythe ri9ght top wing panel in place and letting the unit dry then i will start on the final outer top wing panel and the wings are concluded.. all interplane struts have been reinforced with floaral wire for added strength, I should have this group build finished by tomorrow sometime after the wings will be whats left of the rigging then I will go to the undercarriage and props and coupl other parts and she is good to go and can hang her up in the crowded skies of my domaine . thanks Wojtek for your wonderfull smiles and replies .



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Here is the last update for the day I will have her done tomorrow and i will start on another group build, On the following photos shows the rigging of the wings they are almost all done all is left on the rigging of the wings are the two interplane struts on the port wing and the four controll horns for the alerons and the rigging is finished the undercarriage and props are next and she is finished as of now old boats eyeballs are getting tire i am starting to see four wings instead of two time for a beer and i will digest the forum and check your builds out you guys are top notch builders here no other forum is better then this one.. Here is the update for the night finished pictures tomoirrow.



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rigging awesome don't you mean,real good job Boats,i'd better get my bird finished for this G.B,been reading the posts so much i've forgot to get on with it

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