**** DONE: 1/40 Grumman F-14 "Tomcat" - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Where in the hell have I been on this one!?!?! And you suprise me again with yet a more complicated build in the art of balsa. Never would have suspected you could even purchase such a kit with flowing lines to be done in wood and tissue. Just wonderful work!
Thanks Matt: I've been building balsa/tissue models for 65 years, and have never seen a construction method like the one used on the F-14. You would not believe how many times I have screwed up, and had to go back and fix something. Truly, a learning experience.

Just wait til I start the F3F-2 !!

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I don't think I could build one on the end of the dining room table like I am now. The spray cans of paint are bad enough. Wood glue and dope would be the end.

If I had a garage to work in I would tackle a quarter scale. Several years ago before coming over here I had a 1/4 scale Citabria going.. It had been started by someone else, I spent a lot of time trying to square things up and make it symmetrical. The wing leading edge was all skewiff as well. But I sure enjoyed working on it.
Just don't stick the pins in the table top and your better half would probably accept it!
The best part of constructing one of these, (IIRC), is that you can take the board it is pinned to and lean it on a wall while the parts dry.
I use a sheet of 1/4 inch (veneered) plywood approx 15" X 24". I use veneered plywood because it is uniform in hardness, and doesn't bend my pins. I work on a small table in the garage. Paul's option of leaning the work board against the wall is well founded. FWIW, I've had two takers on the balsa models, one a first timer. Maybe I can get a rebellion going ? You're next, Wayne !

Just finished putting three nice coats of the Light Ghost Gray on the Tomcat. Now it's raining it's butt off ! No matter, it will dry and I will post pic's later this evening. Cheers...

edit: The Tomcat is dry enough to handle, so I brought it into the house. We have the A/C on, so it's not as humid. Here are the pic's I promised. Don't see any bad spots !! That right rudder still has a slight warp in it !



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I will be joining the balsa revolution, (thank you Charles!) with a Ju.87b Stuka. (modified to the "c")
The F-14 is looking great, and I will be studying your builds before giving this one a try.
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Did you use the proper stitching spacing in the fabric on the wings???

Tried a new technique on the covering, Bill, that I found in a modelling magazine. It's called "perimeter covering". The entire wing is done in one piece. Starting at the trailing edge, just put the clear dope on the entire outside of the underside of the wing. Place your tissue on it and pull in all directions. Give it about two minutes to set up, then roll the tissue over and go from leading edge (on the top) to the trailing edge. Just putting the clear dope on the extreme outside perimeter. After it drys good (20 minutes) you can spritz it down with water and hang it out to dry. The tissue will shrink, and viola ! A nice taut covering.

Because of the curves meeting the flat areas on the fuselage, I used short pieces (1 inch by 2 inches) most of the way around the fuselage. Some of the large flat areas were done in one piece.


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