I use a sheet of 1/4 inch (veneered) plywood approx 15" X 24". I use veneered plywood because it is uniform in hardness, and doesn't bend my pins. I work on a small table in the garage. Paul's option of leaning the work board against the wall is well founded. FWIW, I've had two takers on the balsa models, one a first timer. Maybe I can get a rebellion going ? You're next, Wayne !
Just finished putting three nice coats of the Light Ghost Gray on the Tomcat. Now it's raining it's butt off ! No matter, it will dry and I will post pic's later this evening. Cheers...
edit: The Tomcat is dry enough to handle, so I brought it into the house. We have the A/C on, so it's not as humid. Here are the pic's I promised. Don't see any bad spots !! That right rudder still has a slight warp in it !