**** DONE: 1:48 B-17G - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

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Got some more done on the tailplanes. Rubber de-icer boots done and I tried using Tamiya smoke to simulate the throw back from the engines. First time trying that and I am fairly pleased. It looks better in real life than in the photos.

I lightened both the red and the khaki to help simulate some aging.


Question for the B-17 radio gurus.

I have seen some drawings mostly, a couple of pics that show radio antenna wires going from a mid wing point on both wings into the radio room. Can anyone provide info as to whether or not I need to consider these or is late 1944 late enough that these would have been redundant? The photo I have attached on page one of this thread shows the antenna to the fuselage radio mast but I can't tell if the wing/radio room wires are there.


Love the weathering Jeff. Can't give you an answer about the antenna wires off the top of my head but I'll look through my books. I have a cutaway that shows both wires but there's no date.

First three are of Houston Wing CAF Texas Raider, Next three are of Collings foundation Nine O' Nine and the last two are LSFM Thunderbird . Only Texas Raiders has the two HF antenna wires coming down and one goes to the radio compartment and the other to the side of the fuselage at the radio compartment. I have never seen on from the wing unless it was a special ops like a Dumbo or a drone controller. Two HF wires would denote two HF radios.


Texas Raiders

Nine O' Nine

Collins Foundation 7&8 march 09 139.jpg
Collins Foundation 7&8 march 09 140.jpg
Collins Foundation 7&8 march 09 141.jpg
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Can't say I've seen wing antenna wires either, although there was one from the port side fuselage, at the radio room position. There was also a trailing aerial fairlead tube on the port side, just below the 'Star and bar' in the pics of Chow Hound, and clearly visible in Don's 4th pic in the previous post.
I agree with Terry a Grey color. The control surfaces on a B-17 were always faded from the rest of the plane. I couple shade lighter then the metal.


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