It has been over 2 months since I touched this project but I finally found a bit of time to have a bit of a go at her today. The engines have been put together and cemented into place. I will not be attaching the exhaust until after everything else including the painting is complete. The tail planes have been attached. I am still pondering how I will tackle the elevator actuator arms but I have removed the incorrect mouldings from the top side of the elevators. The wings have been glued into place now and putty has been applied to fill some rather sizeable gaps. Sanding will follow when the putty has had some time to properly dry. The nose cone has been attached after opening the hole for the radar antenna.
The landing gear will be attached as the last step and I do not foresee to much more time until she is ready for the paint shop.
Got some work done this morning. Started off with a spray of Medium Sea Grey over all. After letting that dry for a bit I started with the dark green. Hope to get back to the bench later today to do some more.