**** DONE: 1/48 Bf-109F-4 - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Hhmmmmm.... i think my Daughter must be a cat then ????
because in the end I'll leave the engine if you ever make a diorama with me I got 109 e galand ready and I do not care more about the issue, engine hood closed and ready for the next step
as I am not going to ride the engine I dedicate myself to go closing everything you had open so that the engine would be.

and this work remain hidden or directly without mounting

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Wow, some serious detailing there Sergio.

but as if I missed the part of the distributor, fuel pumps and I can not leave the view engine so it is a job that runs out of view.

I had wanted to detail a motro a me109 is one of the most beautiful productions I've seen, the engineer who designed the distributions of the wiring and pipes did gladly, other engines are more chaotic, to make me look upon it with a DB 601a for my Me109-E7
Thanks all fellas.

I was thinking of making a small diorama with the engine and the plane but the evidence for making and painting figures were nothing good I have to practice a lot more with the painting of the figures but the project will be this:
the plane being manipulated by 3 mechanics to open the engine cover two other working on the engine to prepare it to change the engine of the plane to take the part of a large and pronounced engine oil leak.
but of course first I have to learn to paint figures.

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