**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair IV - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks for the info Terry, I'll take a look at what photos I have.

EDIT: I unfortunately can't find any photos where the gunsight is even visible, so I guess I'll stick with the normal sight.
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Like you Cory, I've discovered that trying to find clear period photos, inside or outside, where the gun sight can be seen, is like trying to find Hitler's dog!
However, I did find one good, side on shot of a FAA Corsair II in flight, taken during the period in question. The gunsight was virtually in silhouette, due to the lighting, but judging by the shape, bulk, and the shape of the mounting, it looked like the gyro sight.
I tried to copy the photo, from the Schiffer FAA book on my computer, but, due to the type of file, I couldn't even high-light it, so unable to post it here I'm afraid.
Which part do you mean Cory? Post a pic, with the bit you mean marked. Try to do this with the part either on a table, or held in tweezers/clamp, for clarity.
There should only be the sight itself, and the moulded mounting bracket it's attached to (the bit that attaches to the cockpit front or instrument panel top), sticking out the front. The rest of the resin is just the casting plug and the equivalent of the sprue.
Off course, you'll need to make and attach a clear reflector screen, unless it's included with the resin part.
Thoughts on getting a slightly rounded edge on the wingtip? In the past I've simply clipped off the proper amount and left a flat surface, but in reality it's slightly curved. I was thinking taking some plastic rod and shaping it on the end of the wing might do the trick. Should I even bother?
Definitely rounded from top to underside and incorporating a modified nav light lens. I'll probably use a piece of sprue or rod flattened by rubbing along a file. Nav light will be a piece of clear sprue glued into the notch then shaped and polished before painting.
Was hoping to hear your plan. Might tackle that soon since I have decided I'm going to use the sidewalls from the MDC set I've ordered, so I can't close the fuselage up for some time. I've never made my own lights though, so I may need some guidance when the time comes for them.

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