**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair IV - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks for the note Cory. I've not got to that stage yet but will likely go with plastic rod. Suggest you cut out the tip for the nav light right away, glue in a roughly cut piece of clear plastic and shape the entire area together. Once smooth, polish the clear plastic with fine wet/dry paper until all scratches are gone and brush on a bit of Future.
Thanks guys!

Ok Andy, thanks for the tip. I was originally planning on doing the lights later but you are probably right. I didn't get to it today so your advice was in time. I do lack future, though I have this polishing paste that seemed to work alright on my 1/32 Corsair canopy when I got glue on it. Granted that was a very small area.

The MDC resin set came today, and disappointingly what I thought was the bottom scoop is in reality a piece if equipment for the cockpit, that I can't even put in anymore. Everything else is as advertised and I'll likely use their drop tank, but the prop is for a Corsair II, and the seat is obviously a moot point. I'll have to make the bottom scoop myself it seems!
I have the same concern. I am leaning towards one wing unfolded and one folded. My initial test fit of the unfolded wing is that joint is going to a be b*$h to get tight. BTW, any feedback from you guys that have built the Tamiya Corsair?
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Fantastic pit Cory, it would be a shame to have id totally obscured by the wing, so one up and one down or partially down would be a good way to go.

I just got the -7 cockpit, engine and wing fold kits for my machine, they look good.
For me, I'm going to go either folded or not, don't really want to do half and half personally. I've still got some time to decide!

Dale, it can be a tricky fit, but with care it isn't too difficult to line up properly. The last one I built was a few years ago, so I don't recall any specific tips unfortunately, but the last two I've built have turned out nice and even. The first two I built? Not so much. I think you'll be alright. It's not so much getting it tight, but making sure the top and the bottom are both tight and more importantly level with the inboard section of the wing. If you focus too much on the top, the bottom will be out of whack, either being slightly too high or not tight.

Vic, unfortunately doing it partially folded could be rather difficult, and I think could compromise the strength pretty badly. Glad your parts came in, looking forward to seeing how you tackle it!
Personally, I'd have gone with 1/2 1/2. Other than that I have two Corsairs already built with non-folded wings so were I to build another I'd do the folded wing option.
Looking really nice
Question: Could the Corsair actually fold one wing at a time?

EDIT: Never mind. Read the Pilot's Notes and there is a way to have one up and one down.
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I think one up, one down, on a model, would look a little contrived.
I had this same, difficult decision to make when building the Sea Fury, and almost opted for the third alternative - wings in the process of folding or deploying. In other words, part folded. But that really needs a diorama to 'explain' the scene, so I eventually opted for folded - with all the hassle that entailed!
Looking great I love "wings up" on Corsairs, just like to oogle the workings on em lol

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