**** DONE: 1/48 Fw190 D-9 "Blue 12" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Whoa... those are cool! I have reservations about investing too much into the IP's since they are so hard to see. But good to know what is available out there!

I thought I'd have an update but I've had to spend some time on other things: fishing trip on Friday (whole boat got blanked )... replaced my old rear projection TV with a proper LED flatscreen... trying to revive a dead printer... etc. Hope to get cracking on my Dora soon!
A little bit of progress... mostly on small bits and pieces.

The prop was painted dark green darkened even more with black...

The spiral was a "loose" one and terminated about 1/2 down the spinner to try and match the reference photos.

Here is the wheel well insert painted and weathered...

The landing gear parts painted and weathered... I originally had painted the wheels gray but changed it to black after checking photos. I added wire for brake lines and drilled out holes in the oleos.
Connection to this site has been dodgy for me the past couple of days. Anyone else having access issues?

Working on a few more things before the main assembly of wings to fuselage. The fuselage halves have been glued together and the top gun cowling added. The fit has been very good on this Hobby Boss kit... very impressed.

The front cowling is one piece with the intake details molded in. Not the finest detail but adequate. After painting, the front end is masked using a circular piece of masking tape.

The headrest is painted and the canopy masks applied. I used Montex masks on this kit... not as good as Eduard in terms of fit and adherence. I had to augment the masks using pieces of Tamiya tape.

The tail rudder, ailerons and flaps are separate pieces. Some ejector marks need to be cleaned up if the flaps are to be shown in the lowered position.

Dry-fitting the wings to the fuselage shows the detail I added to the engine plug as well as the opening of the 2nd ammo chute. Pretty sloppy work but that's the best I could manage with the tools that I have. You can also see that the ammo ejection openings look straight up into the wheel wells.

In order to limit the view through the ammo openings, I decided to add ejector chutes using pieces of plastic sheet. These will be added after all of the painting is completed.

And finally, the ETC rack.
Wings and tail planes attached. Again, fit is very good with no major gaps.

Just some finish sanding on the joints required.
Damn, that does look nice. Is the Hobby Boss really that good?

I've been very impressed with this kit. I don't have much experience in terms of numbers of modern kits built with only 4-5 under my belt. But it is the best fitting kit I've built so far.

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