**** DONE: 1/48 Hawk 75N Royal Thai AF 1940 - Aircraft in Foreign Service GB

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Had a setback last night. I had made up the exhaust pipe/shroud assemblies, drilling out the pipes and reshaped them to look better, painted and weathering them, then went to put them on and I dropped one on the floor. It bounced who knows where. I spent over an hour looking for it with out luck. The thing's about the size of an air rifle pellet. I'm hopping I have a extra from a Hobbycraft P-40C I made a few years ago.
Found the spare in my junk box and am in the process of painting it now. First picture shows the one I didn't loose along with the spare I'm working on. Second picture shows some paint chipping I did yesterday.

Edit: 2/21/19 I found that missing part and it only took me 7 years

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Glad you had something in the spares box you could use Glenn. I came across a simple idea of trying to find lost bits the other day. Using the vacuum with hose only attached, fix one of your wife's or girlfriends old stockings over the end fastened by rubber bands, tape or whatever comes to hand and go hunting with the vacuum on. Any lost bits along with other junk you would not believe is hidden in the carpet pile just gets stuck on the nozzle end of the hose. Hay presto, hopefully one lost bit found.

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