**** DONE: 1/48 Hawker Sea Fury FBII, 807 NAS, 1951 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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You work some crazy hours Terry 04.08 on your post. It's really coming together and worth all the effort you've put into it. I like the instructions as a backdrop.
Thanks very much indeed chaps, it's appreciated. They aren't the instructions by the way, they're a set of scale plans I enlarged about 20+ years ago - very useful.
Bu@@er me, go away for a few days and you miss all the fun. Terry me old mate, simply a superb effort with outstanding results, well done, it's a gem. I know it's a bit late but I used a bl00dy great blob of Blu-tack to hold the wings in place while glue set.
Thanks Vic. I'd considered doing something similar to hold the wings, but it had to be placed into position first, and just got in the way, due to my bl**dy stiff fingers.
I'm aiming to get the final bits, and the display base, done over the weekend, and I'll post pics of the progress.
Thanks very much chaps, it's appreciated. Still got to do the prop, modify and fit the drop tanks, make and fit the boarding step and whip antenna, and a couple of small detail areas. However, I've got yet another bl**dy cold,and my 'get up and go' has got up and gone - just no energy for anything at the moment. very frustrating, as I want to get this finished and move on to other projects.
I hate colds, get better soon please Lozenges help me out with them when im in that cold season

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