**** DONE: 1/48 Hawker Sea Fury FBII, 807 NAS, 1951 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Thanks very much chaps, it's very much appreciated.
I'm hoping to get the finishing clear coat on tonight, then plan the sequence for the next stages, if I'm not too stiff. Bl**dy weather is back to how it's been 90% of this year - wet and cool, with changing pressure - and I ache like an aching thing on an aching day, in an aching place!
Got to figure out which course of action is going to be the best of a bad bunch when it comes to the wing fold. I can either attach the PE wing fold set, and then attach the wings, which could cause handling problems when it comes to attaching the landing gear and doors etc, or I can attach the landing gear and stuff, which will cause handling problems when it comes to attaching the wings!
I think I'll probably opt for the latter course of action, and hope the gear legs don't get in the way when working on the wings.
Ah, the joys of modelling ......
Thanks very much chaps. Got the semi-matt clear coat on, and a few little bits done, including the armoured head rest, and a scratch-built gun sight and mounting bracket, and about to start cutting the vac-form canopy from its moulding sheet. I hope to have some pics posted later tonight.
Still got to do a bit of a clean-up, but here's how the model looks so far.
PIC 1. The head armour is in place, omitting the support bracket, as it didn't match the original, and was far too big. Also shown here is the gun sight support bracket,, and the sight under construction, made from plastic rod, and the aforementioned head rest bracket, remodelled!
PICS 2 and 3. The head rest and the rear decking painted, and the gun sight painted and reflector glass in place
PIC 4. The semi-matt clear coat is on, and the bare metal exhaust panels are painted, with the first stage of exhaust staining added. The stains have yet to be blended in, and further, lighter staining added.
PIC 5. The vac-formed canopy has been removed from the backing sheet, trimmed and sanded, and is seen here in the process of having the frames painted. The inner faces of the frames were painted matt black, and then the exterior frames were also given a coat of black, to cover any 'thin' patches on the inside, before painting the grey.
Thanks again for your continued interest, and I hope to post some more sometime on Sunday.


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Thanks very much chaps, good to know it meets approval. Not got any more done today, it's been one of those days where I can't seem to wake up properly, and I'm stiff in hands and shoulders to boot. Maybe more tomorrow.

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