**** DONE: 1/48 Hawker Sea Fury FBII, 807 NAS, 1951 - Carrier Aircraft GB

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Thanks chaps, I'm fairly pleased with the results of re-mixing the 'Sky', and also happy that both colours sprayed, and dried, without problems - makes a pleasant change !
Andy, if you have any detail shots of the main gear bay, and any stencil details, it would be useful. I've got detail shots of the main gear legs, taken at Duxford, but the wheel bay was sheeted over with polythene at the time.
Here you go Terry. There was no stenciling evident on this museum sample so I did not include anything other than the main gear bays:

IMG_1878 Resized.jpg
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Great stuff, thanks Andy! If I can get access under the lip of the rear bay, I might attempt to add just a little of that spaghetti mix !
Thanks very much chaps. I've now got the beginnings of the black and white theatre stripes painted.
PICS 1 and 2. Show the masking in place for the white background for the stripes on fuselage and wings, with the 'cut out' in the trailing edge of the fuselage stripes, where the 'Royal Navy' decal will fit, and the rectangular panel for the code numbers, in the centre of the striped area.
PIC 3. The white areas painted, and the outer masks removed. The black guide line for the cockpit step was also masked and painted.
Once the white paint has fully hardened, more masks will be applied and the black stripes will be brush painted. Then, it's time for a little detail painting, some very light pencil work on some panel lines, mainly the control surfaces, and then give the model a clear gloss coat, ready for the decals.
Thanks for your interest and kind comments, and I hope to post another up-date sometime tomorrow.


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Thanks very much chaps, it's appreciated.
Got the black stripes done, although there was a little bleed here and there, even though I burnished the tape at the panel lines (should have sealed the edges with white paint first, but forgot, as it took ages to position the masks!).
A quick re-touch should do the trick, although I don't want the stripes to look 'factory applied'. They weren't as roughly applied as the wider 'D-Day' stripes from 6 years previously, but they were still temporary markings, and varied in their application and width.
All being well, I should get this done, and the gloss coat applied, later tonight, then move on to constructing the landing gear, prop etc, whilst the clear coat hardens.
Thanks again for the kind words.


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