**** DONE: 1/48 He-51 b-2 floatplane – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Sanding seams today, the bottom of the fuselage was pretty bad. There are about twenty more rigging holes to drill. Thanks for looking in!

Looking pretty nice Paul.

I must commend you in your photo set ups.
Just tossing the subject onto the bench, you seem to have all the luck that it lands in a suitable composition for the shot.

Well done on both................................... oh my.
Ahoy Paul
Looking Damn good buddy, sorry for not commenting early been to busy on builds I was never good on commenting on other builds but the new year will bring me to make comments on builds you guys are the best this my home sweet home.. your doing very very well keep up the good work i will be following your build with interest.

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Thanks all for looking in and the nice comments.
Bill is absolutely correct, It is amazing how I can throw a model into any position and it looks great. However, I have had some problems fitting the top wing as shown in the instructions. This was corrected by studying pictures of the real aircraft. I had to swap the "N" struts and am now waiting for the struts to dry before setting the rigging.

Ahoy Paul
Looking good my man those interplane struts are the buisness, before you know it you will start on the painting schedule cant waite to see this bird all done Hardy Well done.


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