**** DONE: 1/48 He-51 b-2 floatplane – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Splain me this.......
How are the struts lined up to stay in place for the top wing while all this pulling and pushing is going on???
There is no pushing or pulling, once the struts are fully dry in their proper place, (and much checking and rechecking), the sprue is cut to the correct lengths and simply glued in.
The trick is to do one strut at a time. Takes awhile, but in the end, pretty easy.
O.k., it is time to bring this one back on line. I just got the aluminum tube to try Vic's method. I love the realistic effect of the buckles, way better than the methods I have used for so many years. Pictures soon!
Oh, those Classic Airframes kits. I am happy that they chose obscure aircraft that are not found anywhere else in 1/48, and if I could find one of their F4B's again I would die a happy man. That being said, ARGGGH!
Glad I got that out of my system. Here's the float struts finaly attatched and aligned after much cussing.
( And the stretched sprue removed to start on the Vic method of rigging.)


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