**** DONE: 1/48 Ju87R-2 "Moshaisk" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Thanks Hugh.

I finished off the sliding canopies which were actually turned out to be a fair amount of work. In addition to masking and painting the exterior frames, there were decals to be applied for the interior frames and also armoured panels to be painted in the back of the gunner's canopy. Unfortunately, the latter was thought of a little late and I ended up trying to mask just beside the decals which ended up peeling off with the tape despite me reducing the tack quite a bit. I was able to pull these strips back off the tape without tearing them and re-applying them so this is what you see now.

The fixed canopy received the radio mask which had a white insulator at the base and a delicate stencil on both sides telling people to keep their friggin' hands off the mast.

Looking good to finish this weekend. I need to install the rear-firing MG, antenna wire, pitot tube, bomb, and finally giving everything a final bit of weathering and grime.
Thanks very much guys. Getting very close now and should post some finished pics later today or tomorrow.

Vic the radio mast stencils came with the kit.
Thanks guys. No more "so fars" Hugh cause I'm done now. I'm just gonna throw up a whole slew of pics I just did and talk to them, describing what was done since I last posted.

Let's start with the underside where some more streaks and oil stains were added. The bomb was painted and glued on and the rack was painted a lightened black.

The sliding canopies have been attached and the rims and rails painted RLM02. I modified the white base of the antenna mast a bit after looking close at reference pics. The base was darker so I painted it 70.

The antenna wire is made of nylon invisible mending thread and the insulator cones at the tail end are made by pushing a metal awl through some card til it makes little peaks with a hole in the center and then slicing them off with a scalpel.

At the nose end, rather than drilling out the small intake directly in front of the exhaust stacks, I dabbed some black on the surface. Looking closely, I should have done the same with the tiny scoop under the "Moshaisk" logo.

I didn't get a good "before" shot of the MG17 but it was stripped of the plastic stock and trigger and these were replaced with a PE piece. The PE aiming reticle was also added.

Side on shot showing the exhaust stain pattern.

Some miscellaneous close-ups.

I didn't show the scratch built landing light before so here it is.

A close-up of the drop tank with the stub added on the front. The end should also have been painted black.

And hereare some shots from a scale eye level. A small hole was drilled in the tip of the spinner based on reference pics.

And a final parting shot of the overall finish.

Thanks everyone for following along and for your encouragement. This was my first use of the hairspray technique and I really like how it worked out. On to the Hurricane!

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