**** DONE: 1/48 Ju87R-2 "Moshaisk" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII (2 Viewers)

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Thanks all and I hope so John.

Still masked the splinters this evening. With tomorrow off for me, I'll be able to finish the greens and show you some pics.

EDIT Just finished the 70/71 splinter scheme and peeled the masks. Next step will be gloss coat and decals. I'll be doing the winter camo after the decals are done.

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Oh yeah! That splinter job looks great! Almost a shame to "muss it up" with white! Looking forward to the winterizing finish as well as how you are going to deal with the Moshiask lettering... gotta plan for that yet? If all else fails, I would consider handpainting it... either on the model directly or maybe a piece of clear decal.
Thanks guys. As a first option, I'm actually going to try to paint over the bright green with thinned paint and an artist's pen. As a Plan B, I'll make my own decal and have already scanned the sheet.

Glossed the finish with Future at noon today and will start applying decals tomorrow evening.
Well, plan A on the decal worked. I applied the horrid green decal and then loaded some watered down RLM 71 and extender into an old .35mm drafting pen I had and was happy to see than it actually worked just like ink. A little touch up was needed on the white lettering but I'm reasonably happy with the results.


It seems that the Future I sprayed over the top dissolved some of the green paint a little so that the green of the decal came through again but the result will work. Once I spray the white around the insignia, it will be difficult to distinguish the colour difference.

I hope to get the hairspray and white going tomorrow. Thanks for looking in everyone.
Thanks guys.

Today's session started with an overspray of hairspary on all surfaces of the model.


Though I like how the summer camo turned out, it was then a matter of biting the bullet and starting on the white. I started with the cross and codes on the port side. Here's how it looked before I laid my mits on it.


After close examination of the photos in post 3, it was apparent that the white camo was crudely painted by hand around the cross and J9 codes. So I set about doing the same with thinned paint.



Yeah, I know. Doesn't look great but it's not meant to look like a crisp paint job. I proceeded to do the rest of the codes and crosses the same way and then switched to the fine airbrush. My theory is that they the gave one of the black men a can of paint and brush to go around the markings while another guy did the larger areas with an air brush. When air brushing, I tried to imagine myself being the guy below and held my brush strokes to about an inch or less to simulate how the paint might have been sprayed on in the field.


Here's how the passes on the port side looked before I stopped to clean the brush and take a break.


After I got back, I decided to start chipping away at the white. This was a simple matter of dipping a paint brush that had been cut down to about 2mm of bristle in water and then going over the white until it started flaking off.


And here's how it looks now.


I'm really liking how this is turning out. It's a long process so I've stopped for the time being to recoup and may get back to doing some more tonight. Ta Ta For Now.
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The hairspray effects are pretty cool eh? The weathering on the white distemper is amazing looking! There are some raised white brush marks around the codes but hopefully that gets covered by the final clear coat(s). I'm psyched to see the final results!
Thanks guys.

There are some raised white brush marks around the codes but hopefully that gets covered by the final clear coat(s)....

Yeah, not too happy about that myself and doubt it's going to go away with clear coats. I may go in with some tactical sanding to knock it down.

How she looks now:

Love the look you are getting there, Andy. Maybe I need to put a "winterized" Luftwaffe bird on the list for the future.

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