**** DONE: 1/48 Ju87R-2 "Moshaisk" - Winter War / Eastern Front WWII

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Nice one Andy, another of my favourite aircraft and yet another distemper finish. It's going to be interesting to see peoples differing ways of achieving this.
Yep, so happens I just purchased some hair spray………………for my modelling………so will be watching to see what your planning.
Have you tried "fading" the decal with another color, I've been semi-successful in greens and if you want a small tutorial I'll happily send one over, just send me a pm
If you look hard enough for pictures of me on this site Paul, you'd know I don't need hairspray! I look good without it thank you very much.

Bit of a crap shoot with cockpit details here. Looked all over the net but it seems pics of the walls on either side of the gunner for the B-2 model are hard to come by. Anyone have some reference shots? If they are from on the net, chances are I've seen them.

One aspect I'm interested in is the presence, or not, of oxygen bottles on the right hand side, one for the pilot and one for the gunner. I've seen references with the bottles present and some without. Mission specific?
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Can't help there Andy, a few cockpit pics but nothing much on the side walls. Have also come across two articles yesterday on the hairspray method. Interesting possibilities.
Thanks anyway Vic. Haven't really touched this one since the pics were taken. Focusing on the 109 atm. Once the cockpit is done on this one, it should go together quickly, though I'm worried about the fit of the open canopy and my get a vac formed one. I also don't like the flap attachments and will likely detach them and rebuild so this will take time.
Back from the wars Andy and playing catch-up. I'm not one for fine details so I can't help much on decals. Perhaps a layer of gloss black under the decal?
How much difference is there between the B-1 and B-2 Andy? I've found a diagram of a B-1 that has 4 Sauerstoff(oxygen) bottles located by First Aid kit, midway between the gunners position and the tail.


EDIT: Did some checking about the differences and I also see what you mean by the oxygen bottles by the gunner. There is a build on the Rollmodels site using an Aires cockpit showing two bottles.
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