I've decided to tackle the wheel wells, at least the portions that are visible through the open doors. Here's the space in question:
I started by cutting a piece of card and curving it to the shape of the wing surface. I then glued it to the firewall. The angled cut was estimated to coincide with a mount for the brace arm. I only realized after that the wing surface went right tot he back of the well and that I probably should not have cut such a short piece. Not a major problem though as I can add more to the extent that it will be seen.
The hard part of this scratch build is all the crazy angles so there was a lot of estimation done and trial fits with paper templates that, once a fit was determined, were used to cut the plastic card pieces.
Once the wing surfaces had been set, the holes for the retraction jack were cut and the fire wall was detailed.
Next, the structural frames were fabricated of card, once again having to deal with angles. The part on the left has had strips of aluminum tape applied that had a riveting tool rolled across the strips. A new technique for me that's turning out not too bad.
Much more to do here yet and it's slow going so thanks for your patience.