**** DONE: 1/48 P-61B Black Widow - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Bill, thanks I really appreciate all your input on this model and the P-38. Two more windows and the decals.
Wojtek, thanks as well your input is also deeply appreciated
Good stuff Mike. I couldn't find anything on the radar operators upper hatch, to see which way it opened. It might have actually been a jettisonable hatch, for emergency exit on the ground, given the belly entrance/exit hatch.
Last of the windows are in and am applying decals. They are setting nicely but are VERY thin and are a PIA to work with and get straight especially the long thin ones. The Lady's are looks crooked but is just setting over a small plate with lots of rivets


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Very nice. By the way, I just received news that one Lee Kendall, aka Solie Solomon, is living at a hospice near Denton. The wife of a guy I go to school with works there and was telling him about it. He told me this this afternoon but wasn't sure of the name. We were just talking about P-61's and he happen to mention that his wife was helping to take care of a cantankerous old fellow who no one came to visit. She knew he served in WW2 so she put on some music from that era for him. She said that perked him right up. Later she just talked and listened to him and he told her that he use to fly Black Widows and that he had flown the one that brought down the last plane of WW2. As soon as I heard that, I was like... It couldn't be. If it is him, I need to pay the fellow a visit. Will follow up later as I find out.

Lee Kendall would be the fellow in the middle.


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Another of the Lady...


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