**** DONE: 1/48 PBY-5A - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Some good ideas there gentlemen, six days of pondering until I get home. Vic, I was pretty crushed when I heard the snap but you're right, it is under the paint. When I held it together, the join almost disappeared so I touched a bit of liquid glue to it and all is good

Been away in the boonies and am playing catch-up. I personally find that paint pens are too broad for fine detail. Pencils do not work on smooth plastic. Try an ultra fine point permanent marker. I use mostly Black and Silver
Thanks guys, I'm on finals now and it's driving me nuts. I tried drilling a small hole in the rod, to insert wire, to insert into a small hole in the fuselage but it kept splitting the rod. In the end, I made the fuselage holes to match the rod. Small ones done, the two big ones left and then I can mount them and the clear parts. I'll straighten out the whiskers just before I mount them. It will be touch and go to get this done by the deadline as I volunteered to work overtime on my last two days off.

Thanks for popping in gents and Vic, I'll stay up all night if I have to. Took a photo of the size of the antennae I'm dealing with using a good ole Canadian quarter. The little bit of plastic below the quarter is 3.5mil support strut for the small antennae. Once again, the whiskers need to be realigned after mounting.

Crep, every time I look at a photo I see more work to be done.

Now I just have to add the cross braces and the touchy stuff will be done. I did a test fit of the canopy, it's not perfect. I'll see if I can do a quick fix but a this stage, it might be too late. I've delayed my GB23 build totally to deal with this, not that it took up my time as I worked on it waiting for stuff too dry. Here's a comparison, the I-16 on the wing.

Thanks Wayne. I almost hit a wall last night with the decals. They are made by a Canadian company called Arrow Graphics which I believe no longer exist. Anyhoo....the upper wing roundels are very large and if things went sideways, no backups. I cut it out, and when I went to apply it, I found that the sheet was continuous clear. Lots of delicate trimming later, the decal was saved and the second one was trimmed closer and applied. I've got the 3.5mm braces for the small aerials on, not perfect but close enough for a hanger.

Braces for the two larger aerials are next, a few more little pieces, the clear parts and the two long antennae from wing to tail and she's done but I think I'll miss the deadline as I go into to work a day early tomorrow and won't be home until the 3rd of Sept.


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