**** DONE: 1/48 PBY-5A - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Merci, mes amis. Innards are almost done and then the next step is to add the windows. Why, why, oh,why do some model companies insist on doing this so early in the build. I've built other models with the windows added after the paint and it worked very well. Anyhoo, rant over. Next problem, how to get the fuselage halves off the sprues with minimal damage as some of the attachment point are quite large. With the halves being this large, it is easier to remove the part with wire clippers just above the attachment point and then saw or cut them off with a scalpel.

The next problem will be inside the halves. It won't be as bad as Vic's build as he was going to show off the interior. As mine is going to be a dangler, I will just deal with the ones that prominently stand out during the build.

Just waiting for a few more parts to dry and then the cockpit area will be done. The front turret floor...

Seats attached...

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Thankee. Cockpit is complete and now working on the rear gunners station. Prepped and painted the fuselage innards.

Lawdy, this mother is big. Not just the parts but in trying to remove the parts from the trees, I nearly cleaned off my table maneuvering the sprues around.

Yea, I don't sleep anyhow so who needs a bedroom. First coat of Future™ is on the small windows that need to be installed before the fuselage halves are joined. I'm going to put two coats on and then super glue those suckers in so there's no chance of them popping out during handling. Done now is the rear gunners station...

...the little sticky uppy thing on the left bulkhead is an antenna mast, destined to be removed, unceremoniously during the remainder of the build. Good one, Revell. Also before the fuselage gets bolted together is the need to add 7 freakin' antenna holes per side as I didn't know these freakin' antenna existed until I looked at the freakin' decal instructions and verified it with the freakin' photo posted on freakin' Page 1 and cross freakin' referenced with this freakin' photo...

...anyhoo, not sure yet how I'm going to accomplish this but I'm pretty sure it's going to consume the rest of the build time.

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Sweeeeeet work Agree 100% Modellers need no sleep

I find I do my best work (sometimes worst! argh ) when sleep deprived hehehehe
Thanks Wojtek and Igor. This will be attempt #1. I'll call the project, "Attempt #1" followed closely by "Attempt #2, Attempt #3, ad nauseum". I'm going to use 1mm rod for the main beam{A}(Sorry, airfoil shape is not gonna happen chaps) and 2lb test fishing line for the whiskers{B}. For the small support arm and base, I'll use 1mm strip{7} { }.

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I've been searching for Aeroclub Strutz but to no avail. The owner passed away a few years ago, the site is down and every other site I've searched is asking the same questions. Does anyone know of said stock and if so, I'm thinking 1/72 would work.

Geo , take a longer piece of a sprue and warm it up above a burning candel. When it's very soft stretch it . You can make sticks of many different diameters including sticks of the hairbreadth.
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