**** DONE: 1/48 Polikarpov I-16 Type 10 – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Heres the disaster recovery as best as i can ...

I have painted over and around alot of the flat base but basically its spoiled .. I will try some real pics ( these were just with my phone ) but its a shame as its a pretty little plane. To be fair it looks less bad in softer light

Onwards and wont do that again !!

Thanks guys

As the paint was so " textured " after the flat base incident i decided to somewhat over play the weathering and leave a little of the greyed out effect here and there to make it look very faded. I convinced myself that these were probably shipped over to spain from russia , had markings hastily applied and then poorly maintained... i have to say the photos do make it look a bit rougher than it does to the naked eye ...

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