**** DONE: 1/48 Pro Modeler P-40E, Capt. A.J. Reynolds - Aircraft of the Aces GB

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Master Sergeant
Aug 1, 2011
My First Group build and I hope the first of many If I make a mistake don't hesitate to pm me because I'm not the greatest when doing things the first time (even if I read through the rules :S)

First Name: Igor
Category:3 (I'll start in the little leagues for now and try a OOB kit of this aircraft with few modifications to it, I may add aftermarket decals just in case one of the kits decals isn't that good quality, If I need to change into 2 please let me know, not sure how the rating system goes)
Scale: 1/48
Kit Manufacturer: Pro Modeler by Monogram
Model Type: P-40E
Details: I'll be using the kit decals to portray Captain Andrew J. Reynolds' Stardust (Oklahoma-Kid)

9TH FS. 49th FG, Darwin Australia

The main issue I'm going to have when building this kit is Stardusts' final color scheme, it was originally painted in a RAF color patern and its reported to have been re-painted in American colors. I'll have to do more research and do the plane justice when finally completed. If I need to add more history please let me know I know I didn't post a lot of it here (none almost :S just basic info atm)

I'll post another post with the start of my build and go from there in case I need to edit this initial post later


Dec. 3rd, 2011

So I can't beleive it a couple extra days and I got her done, ty all so much for the extension My leg feels better than if I had to rush it in 1 day wich wouldn't have been possible

Another 4 weeks -8 weeks like this and I'll be fracture free-yay

Down to business: A couple things before posting the pics, there is no crosshair or anything for the front cowl in the kit and I was going to use a spare one out of a mg set, but I couldn't find the mg cross hair set But as shes from the box I guess that doesn't really matter.
I made the aircraft more worn than prestine, I had a major problem with the decals, whenever they hit the water they'd break up as the decal glue let go of the piece of paper which happened to my main hawk decal, it was in 38 or so pieces at one point, so I switched to diping them in future and adding them that way, it solved the problem.Having no back up for the hawk decal I pieced it together it turned out ok I think

The final pics of the aircraft:
First the Mandatory pictures (used a friends camera to take these pics I hope it turned out ok):

Just another note: my friends camera got some shots a lil blurry(2 of the Other Side shots, so I put in 2 side shots of a bit better clearness in the 4 optional pics) My camera broke just before I completed the model so I needed to use my friends

The Front:

The Back:

One Side:

Other Side:

Back Side 1:

Back Side 2:

Now the 4 optional pictures:

I ended up liking the result even if I'd never build this same aircraft from Pro Modeler again, there was just too much stuff that didn't fit and that you had to use this or that to correct.

Thank you all for the kind words or encouragement it was really a great build and the extra time really helped my leg out ill be fracture free in 4-8 weeks hoping all goes well
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Apart from simple stuff like attaching the cockpit together I found this the most difficult step of all for some odd reason, getting the engine filter to line up correcly and glueing it in place, a couple more inspections and she will head to the paint booth soon. I'll glue the final pieces of the cockpit together today, then paint next week and go from there.

You post is all in order Igor, no worries. As to which Category you belong in, there is really no "rating" system. It's up to your judgement based on experience and skill level but some of the guys are definitely underestimating their level. Once we see mor of your techiques and skill in the pictures, we'll get a better idea.

Looking forward to this build. No rush, still over 7 weeks to go.
Excellent choice, I just picked up this kit for the next build, I will make the Aussie version!

Don't worry about ratings, I have been at this 40 years and compared to these guys, I'm a beginer with a capital B!
The wings glued together (pictures soon) Most of the parts needing the interior green color area painted and the aircraft has been puttied and I've started sanding.
Starts out looking like this, a lot of putty :S

Then it turns into this, a lil less putty. This is the first step in sanding I take it from 500 up, lightly to brush out all the bad stuff with the 500, then 1000,1500,2000 all the way up to this very very fine sand paper (I think they call it a micro grit)

The trick to this is everything is raised in the details so a minimum amount of sanding paper should touch the surface area of the model, or you'll risk losing details on the model

I'll have some more pics up when I have the time, its been a crazy week so I'm just hoping I have a bit more time to model

P.S. The instructions call for the cockpit to be cemented after the both halves of the fuselage are cemented so thats what I'll try doing just in case I buy another version of this kit, to see if this works.
The best way to avoid losing detail when sanding is to place cellophane tape BEFORE you putty on both sides of where you will add it.

The tape will protect the model details from sanding.
When you glue the cockpit, dry fit it first to see it fits ok, if it does then glue it to one side of the fuselage only, by doing this you will allow for a little 'play' with the fuselage sides when it comes to fitting the wings.

First intitial painting of the panels (I mixed a special batch for the interior green color out of a Tamiya Flat Green and a Tamiya Yellow Green, I think it came out a bit better than the P-51D I'm doing for this build.

After waiting a day to dry, detailing some finer details, I decided not to use the aftermarket parts, saving them for another build. I have to save this the Only part I "added" was cutting down the hydraulic hand pump and adding a ball to it, the kits original pump was too long and it kept bumping the other column, it also lacked the ball on top of the hand pump, which I learned through some research that the P-40e variant had the ball on top of the hydraulic hand pump.

Close up of the detail on the instrument panel, a little bit of fine tweezer picking combined with some dry brushing.

More to come soon

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