The main gear bays are reasonably well detailed, but oddly enough, there is nothing at all on the front wall. A couple of chunks of plastic and some bits of wire later and its fixed. The brake line was added last, mainly because I almost forgot it.
Nice work Paul, looks suitably 'busy' in the wells now. In the first pic, on the lower, horizontal leg, is that a moulded -in brake line, or a moulding seam?
'Tis a moulded in line, good sir.
I believe the brake line is the one on the lower front leg, where I added the wire up to the cylinder.
The one you noticed seems to be for the hydraulics to move the whole b****y thing.
Sharp eyes!
It is the little things that make me happy, like the extras I put into my Ju.52. It is done as Goerings personal craft; an extra wide seat and repeater instuments for "Der Dickie". Odds are, no one but me (and now you all) will ever know, but it was fun.
On to the F-8, the two intakes that will be on the @$$-end abaft the rudder; left, as supplied, right, as modified.