**** DONE: 1/72 Focke Wulf Ta 183 - OOB (Out of Box) unofficial GB-2015.

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Thanks guys, and thanks for the airbrush advice Terry. I'll have to take the brush completely apart and see if there is something in the tip. It's a brush I only use for very fine work so I don't use it to very often.

Just realized that I haven't updated this in a while so here are some pictures. I put on all the remaining decals and all but one went on well. The red 5s were from an old Luftwaffe number sheet I had and one of them came apart in the water. I already had one 5 on and the one that disintegrated was the last red 5 so I pieced it together. I think I can make it look Ok with a little touch up paint.

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The 5 has been fixed to the best of my ability. I then did a black wash of the panel lines and sprayed the whole thing with dull coat. The aluminum nose is next, then the landing gear.

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The nose has been sprayed with the buffing aluminum metalizer and the landing gear das been attached and is drying. a bit of pastel around the gun ports and jet exhaust and it'd done. No I just have to clean my bench off enough to take the final pictures

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