OK, as mentioned in my e-mail, the three tubes housed the rear-facing formation/signalling lamps. Now, I've been unable to ascertain exactly when these were fitted, and/or, when they were deleted, if they were in fact deleted. I believe they were early equipment. later replaced.
It's difficult to be able to spot these on period photos, and I do know they 'fell out of favour' at some point, having also been used on other night-flying types, including the Beau and Mossie. They were only used , as far as I know, for specific I.D. purposes, and could be left on accidentally, without any of the crew in view of the trailing edge being able to see them - which could cause dire problems of course.
In those photos where just the forward, clear-covered lamp is shown, I think the three formation 'tube' lamps, the name of which still escapes me, were mounted, but again, they might have been replaced by a 'solid' fairing, as shown in one of the photos you've posted.
If a photo shows forward and aft (wing tip) clear covers, then I presume the 'tubes' were omitted.
Whether three bulbs were fitted to each nav lamp, I don't really know and, going off memory, I can only remember one per side on the BBMF Lanc. Of course, Canadian and British production might also be different.
The factory drawing I have (in the SAM guide) shows the three tubes and the forward nav lamps, and personally, I would mount these, using stretched sprue, and the forward clear covers.( the chances of making the deeply-recessed lamps themselves, in this scale, is virtually impossible, as they were only about an inch or so in diameter, maybe slightly larger, within the tube, and a few inches within at that!)
Alternatively, omit these, and mount only the forward clear covers. The only way anyone could criticise is if they had a detailed photo of the actual aircraft, or had served on it!
I can possibly obtain a proper answer, from the Avro Heritage Centre personnel, as I know one of them, via my mate Mick, but, if he's able to find out, it could take some time, as since the (now BAe) factory closed at Woodford, near me, the guys are only there now and then.
I'll admit, on the Lanc models I've built in the past, including 1/48th scale, I haven't included the tubes.
EDIT: Just re-read your post, and see that the kit includes the 'tubes'. In that case leave then in place, and just use the clear, forward Nav lamps each side, rather than making new tubes from sprue.