**** DONE: 1/72 Morane Saulnier 406 - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Came out well for you Michael, as for 'Maskol', yes it should hold back the spray but as it is a water based masking, I usually apply a number of coats just to make sure.
A quick update. Ive completed the application of the three colour camo scheme, and am pretty happyt. looks good actually. Also painted the belly and attached the unque (and bulky) air filter that the Moranes carried.

Will post some update pics tonite.
some pics as promised. pretty happy, but there is some further work to do, beginning with fixing the big scratch on the readiator i just noticed.

i think i will apply the decals soon, so i can seal the pain t job. Acrylic is soft and suceptible to damage for a couple of days after application, but a hard coat over the top helps prevent casual damage. i need to fit the armmant, the u/c the radio aerials, the prop and of course the cockpit. i think i will open the cockpit.

anyway, here are the progress shots


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it still needs a bit of tidying up i think, and I find Acrylic always looks less good when firsa painted. But i think it will come up fine once the semigloss seal and the decals are on the thing.

For the moment the main body is put to one side while i work on the cockpit and undercarriage. I had a bit of a moment with the cockpit....the headrest was sitting too high so that the glazing was sticking up in the air. by very careful sanding Ive managed to get the canopy base more or less flush with the fuselage. Ive cut the cockpit into three bits, because I want to finish the canopy in the open position. Ive started to mask up the clear glazing m but not finished yet.

For the undercarriage, i havent done much yet. Ive separated the parts from the sprues and basically cleaned them up ready for painting. For the undercarriage assembly I admit my plan is to prefabricate them, paint them and then attach to the U/C bays. Not what the thoery prescribes, i know, but i still think better because it leaves the main paint job less damaged after attachment. I may still change the plan.

Im having a second look at the radiator, and am wondering what colours the exposed bits might be. Might have a closewre look at those shots Wurger provided so kindly and see or try and work out how I should be painting up the radiator assembly
progress for this weekendproblems so far. i cut the canopy, and everything went okay, but ij having serious doubts now. i should have purchased a light weight canopy, because the one i have is too heavy and thick, and looks a bit silly.

I retouched some of the paint work, because there are blemishes and imperfections in the paint job. Im hopeful the final clear coat might hide the remainder, but if not, i may need to undertake yet further running repairs to what I thought initially was an okay paint job.

Ive fashioned a gyro compass for the cockpit and attached it. Generally happy, but hat i made the mistake of oversizing this element again. its the big white dot you can just make out in the cockpit. Attached the decals for one side. i find hasegawa decals both easy to apply and good quality

Ive detached the radio mast and attached a length of invisible line to it. Next i need to drill a small hole in the tail and then reattach the mast before finally tensioning and gluing the line to the tail.

Undercarriage assemblies (less the fairings which have to wait until attachment to the fuselage are all painted and ready. Used the airbrush, which gives a thinner and more even application. Generally happy. ive done the same for the guns, tail wheel and gunsights.

its coming togethe3r, and im generally happy, but i still have some fears and doubts about tbhis build


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