**** DONE: 1/72 P-51B Mustang of Tex Hill - Aircraft of the Aces GB.

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Moving onward and upward

After the joints were taken care of and the primer was dried I brought out the Alclad aluminum. Everything I've seen on this aircraft showed that it was worn out so....

Next after a few days drying time I applied some liquid masking agent and randomly applied it to the mustang. If you look closely to the red arrows you can just make out the agent. This is a first time technique for me

This shows the wing joints and covers

Walkway and such

Next goes the Olive Drab

Next will be the revile
Here we sit with the top cote of Model Masters Olive Drab applied.

Now with a little rubbing with my thumb over all the locations where I put the masking we have the following result.

Next added the attachment points for the external wing tanks

Drop tanks installed

Tanks as viewed from the top

Next will be the bazooka pack

Thanks for looking
Thanks guys. With the short time left in the GB I'm rushing this and the kind words help. As for the well worn affect every photo I've seen of this particular Mustang is just that. Well worn. If you look at the photos at the beginning of the thread you'll see the wear and now in this color shot you can see it as well. I could have easily gone with what I'm comfortable with and not weathered it but I felt this one needed to be worn to do it justice. Not to mention I need to expand my skills at some point.

The CBI was very tough on aircraft Dirk, which is why my Tex plane was so beaten up!

You will make it, you still have time to finish the build.

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