DONE: 1/72 Scale Wildcat Scratch (Wood/Metal) Group Build

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 2, 2009
Vojvodina, Serbia
I realize this is kinda last minute entry (better late then never though), but I couldn't resist to enter this GB now when it is extended till end of August, so I believe I can manage to finish this model until the deadline. I was watching development of this Group Build and subsequently felt very motivated to join.
My sole entry in this GB will be Wildcat model in 1/72 scale, scratch build of wood and metal. This time I will be using much more wood and less metal in the construction of this model as some kind of experiment to try and achieve (as Wojtek put it) 3D shape of the main wings. Metal sheet will be used for horizontal and vertical tail surfaces only.
I've started work on this model already few days ago, and here are the first progress photos...


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Here is one more close up photo of lower part of the fuselage where wheel bays and exhaust tubes will be.


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Wow! Great start Igor! That's beautifully carved, and should look great when finished. I'm looking forward to this one!
BTW, what wood have you used for the main wing?
Thanks for kind words mates. Just hoping I will get it finished till end of August. Basically it shouldn't be a problem, but you never know what could came up.

BTW, what wood have you used for the main wing?

Terry, wish I could tell you, but I'm not exactly sure myself. It's some kind of "hard" wood, but not much harder in comparison to "soft" wood which I prefer using for making fuselage for this kind of models as it is easier to work with. You see, my late grandfather was a carpenter out of hobby (making chairs, tables and such), so I have some materials still left from him, but I'm afraid I'm no expert in knowing types of wood. Anyway this is first time I'm attempting to make wooden wings for a model, so if this proves successfull I will do the same for Bf 109E model in MTO.

Think my greatest challenge will be to make a metal propeller. It's much harder to do that with propeller without a spinner. For my Mustang model I had a spare one from plastic kit (and it was with a spinner), but not this time. This will need some careful thought.

As for paint scheme, my first choice would be as shown in attachment. Only thing is I'm missing some appropriate decals for it. I could draw them myself on ordinary paper as for recent Mustang model, but it just wouldn't be the same.
My other option would be to use decals for British Wildcat as I have spare decal from Hurricane kit which I will not use for MTO. However, I'm not sure if these would be appropriate for Wildcat, same as if RN used Wildcats in PTO at all.Also I'm not sure about camouflage scheme in that case...


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I might be able to find some of the National Markings decals small enough Igor. I'd need to know the approximate diameter though, as mine are mostly 1/48th scale. I can probably do the white numbers too, almost certainly the larger ones, and possibly the small ones on the nose.
I might be able to find some of the National Markings decals small enough Igor. I'd need to know the approximate diameter though, as mine are mostly 1/48th scale. I can probably do the white numbers too, almost certainly the larger ones, and possibly the small ones on the nose.

Terry, I don't know what to say. I appreciate your offer very much. I will try to find out approximate (or exact if possible) diameter of National markings in 1/72 and let you know. Looking at the profile I've posted it appears that markings are of the same size on fuselage and on the wings.

Now, do you have a spare 1/72 Wildcat propeller as well? :oops::lol:

As far as progress on the model goes, I've assembled it today and now I'm waiting some putty which I ordered to arrive so I could continue the work. More progress photos hopefully soon.
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Thanks Wayne. I know I have some 'small' 1/48th stars, but they might still be too big. I'll check when I get the size(s).
Believe it or not Igor, I might just have a propellor that could be used! It won't be of a, can't say that word! It won't be of that particular machine designed and built by a hung over Grumman employee, but it might be the right size. Might need a bit of modification though. I'll have a look in my spares box and let you know.
Wonderful Igor.Keep working. I think Gerear should be interesated in that model as well. Please, look around the forum section for his thread about his wooden models.
Igor, I've found a prop' which I think is off an old Matchbox Halifax. The chord is much wider than you need, but it should be easy to trim and sand to shape. I've got three, possibly four, so I can send them all if you want them. That will allow you to have spares if you make a mistake correcting one, and also props for future models. I'll send them with the numbers decals (haven't found any stars yet), and a CD with a great book on the Hurricane and how to model it. PM an address to me, and I'll mail them asap.
Wow, thank you so much Terry! One PM coming now.
(Please do send more propellers as you mentioned if its not too much trouble, they'll sure come in handy. National marking stars are of same size in all positions and their diameter in 1/72 is approximately 13-14mm.)
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Putty which I've ordered arrived today (post office was surprisingly fast and efficient)... Work continues tomorrow... Progress photos soon...
Igor, some propellors, a CD with the Hurricane book, and some white number decals will be posted off to you tomorrow. I'm afraid I couldn't find any US stars small enough though, but maybe Wayne can help?
Thanks Wayne. :D
This is my first model which I build with international help. Better do it right then...
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