**** DONE: 1/72 Typhoon Mk.Ib – Defence of Britain/Atlantic.

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
245 (Northern Rhodesian) Squadron, RAF Holmesley South, June, 1944 Flown by Flight Officer W. Smith

User Name: T Bolt
Name: Glenn
Category: Advanced
Kit: Academy Hawker Typhoon Mk.Ib
Scale: 1/72th
Accessories: Xtradecal Decals

From April 1944, 245 Squadron flying Typhoon Mk.Ib's began attacking enemy lines of communication using rocket projectiles in preparation for Operation Overlord and by late June had moved to the continent to support the advance through France.

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That's not your normal scale Glenn....interesting!
I usually only venture into 1/72nd for the larger aircraft but have done fighters from time to time when the mood strikes me. This time It's because I've been ridiculously busy at work and with the GB being almost half over I don't think I would be able to finish a 1/48th scale model. With this one I can get the basic structure together rather quickly and concentrate on the finish. If it turns out that I have more time that Xtradecal sheet has options for 3 other models I have in the stash.

By the way, can anyone give me some paint color info on the Typhoon cockpit? I was looking around the internet and the pictures I saw looked like it was rather dark, maybe even black..
To be fair guys, we made both Don and John jump through a few hoops to get their builds qualified as "DEFENSE of Britain". Based on the description, I'm not sure this one is an obvious qualifier.
I made sure to pick a decal option which had full AEAF stripes as the aircraft would have appeared on D-Day to fit into the Group Build description of description of "from the phony war to the 'D' Day landings in 1944 including Invasion Stripes"
I agree with Andy, but as the stripes do seem to fit at least part of the title, and there's already been much 'to-ing' and 'fro-ing' regarding the clarity of the GB title description, this one's OK with me. Rather have you with us, than left out Glenn.
The cockpit by this time was Matt Black from the line of the cockpit main horizontal tubular frame upwards - that's the one at throttle height - with the remainder of the frames and heel boards etc in Matt Silver.
The lower area of the cockpit remained in the Cockpit Grey Green colour, with the head armour Matt Black front and rear, as well as the rear cockpit decking.
The seat has been seen in both 'Silver' and a light to mid grey shade.
Ignore any reference photos showing the yellow tape around the 'basic six' instruments on the instrument panel - this was an addition to the World's sole remaining complete Typhoon, when it was on trial in the USA during the war.
Thanks Terry, this one was my last option to get something entered in this group build which I had a hope of finishing in the allotted time. And thanks for the cockpit color info. I hope to get started on the cockpit tonight. It looks to have sufficient detail for this small scale and should look ok with some careful brush work and a wine bottle foil harness.
I'm ok with this Glenn. I just wanted to be sure everyone was being treated fairly.

Cockpit pics or you:

Typhoon cpit colour 2.jpg
Typhoon cpit colour.jpg
Typhoon Pit 3.jpg


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Thanks Andy, I've started in on the cockpit and those pictures will be a big help.

The kit looks real nice with recessed panel lines and enough detail for its size. It its anything like the other Academy kits of this size I've built, every thing should fit together pretty good.

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I've made a small start on it tonight, gluing the wings together and starting some painting on the cockpit. Still needs some detail painting and after seeing the cockpit pictures Andy posted here tonight I think I might darken it up a bit more.

Any one have some advice on the colors of the gear well and covers?

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Good stuff so far Glenn, and yes, the wheel wells and insides of the gear doors were painted 'Aluminium', a matt silver colour.
Good pics there Andy, and you beat me to it. Interesting to see the Duxford cockpit in it's original location in one of the hangars, where it could be photographed easily, without the bl**dy reflections off all the lamps at it's present location !
It appears that the inside of the wheel doors, and probably the gear leg doors too, are Medium Sea Grey in that shot, although the wheel wells are definitely 'Aluminium'. Although the 'standard' interior colour for the doors was the silver shade, the MSG was not uncommon, a similar situation as seen on some Spitfires, for example, and may have been applied either at a MU or at unit level.
If you need detail shots of the wheel wells and doors Glenn, let me know.

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