Coming along nicely Daniel. By the look of the paint on the model, the pigment and carrier are separating. This means it needs a heck of a lot more stirring, which I know is a pain! Keep stirring, possibly for at least 5 minutes, lifting your stirring stick out of the tin now and then, to check for a thick 'glob' of paint on the end. The paint is only usable once these 'globs' disappear. When you think it's properly sorted, try painting a bit on some scrap, and see if it's started to go matt, and almost dry, after about 15 minutes. If it has, fine, you can use it - after stirring again! Also, don't use it straight from the tin - get some into a palette - coffee jar lid or whatever, using your brush loaded with paint, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then stir that with the brush! clean the brush and start painting.
If, after 24 hours, it's still tacky, then bin the tin!
This is the sort of thing which I've been on about in the thread on Humbrol paints, which is happening more and more.