All the 'bits' are in place that need to be, and the model is masked ready for primer then the first painting stage.
PIC 1. The leading-sedge HP slats need to have the sprue attachment points carefully removed and the area sanded, and there is also a fine moulding line across the front edge, which needs careful sanding. The slats do, however, have the end plates moulded in, so one less job to tackle.
PIC 2. The slats have been tacked in place using PVA, and will be removed after painting the model. The exposed wing surface will then be painted RLM02, and the slats properly attached in the partly deployed position.
PIC 3. The separate flaps have an aerofoil leading edge, which is fine if fitted in any of the deployed positions. But if you want them in the neutral (Up) position, then this will need sanding to allow the flap to fit snugly into the wing.
PIC 4. The moulded-in fin antenna wire post was extremely thin and fragile, and eventually went walk-about. Here, a new one has been glued in place, from a scrap of plastic card, and is being sanded to shape. It only fell off six times during this process - oh deep joy !
PIC 5. Flaps cemented in the partly deployed position, and the model masked ready for priming (in order to give an even base colour overall). Once this has dried, the RLM 65 will be sprayed on the fuselage and undersides.
Might have some more pics later, or sometime tomorrow.
Thanks again for your continued interest.