I have the Hasegawa version of those and they are among my essential tools. The grips on mine are an issue and I like that Kirby's fit into a blade holder.
Good stuff, and I too like the look of those saw blades.
I have some very thin blades and a handle, but they can be a bit too 'bendy' for some jobs, being rather long, and my other razor saw, although excellent, is restricted for some uses.
Nice going Kirby! Yes, I have used that jam-the-sprue-into-the-hole technique for filling holes. Best filler for styrene is styrene! And I really like those Tamiya saws. Essential for making fine cuts. I used them on my now dormant Millennium Falcon build...
OK, getting towards the final stages of putting this undercarriage bay upgrade together. The support structure for the inner gear bay doors that was sawn off in the last update was replaced with the PE assembly.
I don't even want to say how long it took me to get that right. Additional structural detail was also added to the wheel wells. Some inconvenient injector pin marks had to be removed from this area and sanded first.
You'll remember from some of the early posts in this thread that warping was an issue with this kit. You can see it raise its ugly head again in the starboard mating surface for the lower cowl in the picture above. I may need a spreader or something to address this later, we'll see...
Finally, some PE wiring was added to the engine plug and painted.
There are still more hoses to be added but that will wait until final assembly of the components. The other components are ready for black-basing, painting, and weathering ahead of final assembly. I'll be happy to get this completed as I'm getting impatient to get on with the airframe...
You're telling me Terry! Bending all the tiny bits was painful enough, but handling them and manipulating them into correct position when you've only got a second or two before the CA sets was doing my head in! At least it's all on the model now and not in the carpet monster!