Thanks a lot guys!
So I don't know if this kit was warehoused in the Simpson Desert or it's just the hot weather we've been having here, but every time I turn around I find more warping. Here's the latest I noticed during test fitting of the lower wing.
So out came my daughter's hairdryer again. I clamped the wing flat to my cutting mat and used the same procedure as described in post #51 for the warped fuselage halves. The proper shape was restored pretty well, so the engine plug was attached to the bottom wing and the assembly glued to the fuselage. The upper and lower cowls were attached at this point and guess what! More warping around the exhaust fairings that required toothpicks as spreaders to provide a proper mating surface for gluing.
While this was all drying I turned my attention to some access hatches on the upper wing that were not present on the Folgore.
These were filled with Mr Surfacer 500 and sanded flush.
With this done, the upper wing halves were joined to the lower wing and, to my great surprise, the fit was perfect and no filler was required. And because no assembly stage on this kit can go by without the addition of some PE, stiffening braces were added to the wing root area.
Starting to look like a Folgore at last! I'm debating whether to attach the horizontal stabs before painting or not to allow easier access to this area for painting of the complex camo pattern. Will think more on that...
So with the wings on, here's some shots of the undercarriage bay. I think it was worth the work.
Thanks for hanging out with me on this one guys.