**** DONE: GB-36 1:48 Macchi C.205 ( 1 ) - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Nice progress Geo. Man, that kit representation of the engine area is just so... underwhelming. Are you going to be adding to it?
Back here at last (10 days past???) and working on the wing fuselage joint. This join was a tad worse than (2). I couldn't figure where the problem was so I painted everywhere that I figured the two might interfere, joined them together and voila; problem areas found...



A bit more fiddling and then I'll hit the small gaps at the tail area, behind the join area and then glue all together
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Started adding the wings. Note the tape on the right leading edge. The gator clamp must have slipped while I was trying to position it for the photo in the post above and I never noticed, creating a bit better than a 1mm step. I sliced it apart with a hobby knife and re-glued it. A plus of the first attempt was that it removed the slight warp and the second attempt was warp free.

You know Geo the spring clamp on the end I have considered using a spray adhesive on some maybe 180grit sandpaper and tack them to the clamp.Those little bast@#ds love to slip and aggravate the hell out me.I see alot of guys build the wing like you me I assemble then it goes in place . ;)
I hear you Kevin. They are the reason I bought the Berna clamps. I have 3 right now, a smaller 3" one seen above and two 8" ones. I'm thinking of gettin two more 3" ones. The tips are soft rubber(?) and grip almost any shape. This is the set I have for just over $25CAN


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